Every girl has had that one guy that just didn't/doesn't how to kiss. This guy was by far the worst. No matter what I tried, he wouldn't get the hint and just kept doing his thing. I literally just had to hold my mouth there and wait for him to be done. He was into it and passionate about it, but just nothing. I bring him up because he found me on another site and memories, oh memories came flooding back. He only got 2 dates. He's memorable for 2 reasons; 1. he's a crappy kisser and 2. the way we made out. #1 is the reason reason why he never got to date 3.
We had a nice dinner and hung out on his rooftop becuase it was a really nice summer night. Long story short we ended up in his apt. We kept clothes on and he decides to dry hump me and stare at himself the whole time in his mirrored sliding closet door. I guess he was storing images for his spank bank? You may be wondering why I allowed it to happen. I was shocked and amused. And it was comical to see how serious his face was while he was doing his thing. He was damn serious about it. He had his Oh face on. So I couldn't have taken sex with him seriously after that.
Morale of the story: Not every guy is a good kisser and some guys can't be trained. Don't go back to their place unless you have the intention of making out.
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